John Chaplin Architect
Client synopsis.
Over the last four decades, John Chaplin has designed a large number of beautiful homes. And now, having recently retired, he wanted a place to keep a record of all he has done and to demonstrate the evolution of residential design and construction trends over that time. He also wanted to acknowledge the many people who have worked for and with him over that time and to show appreciation to his clients over the past four decades.
Starting out with some wireframes to ensure the site — especially the home page —had all the information John wanted, in the right place, with the right weighting.
With an earthy pallete, a personal touch for the site logo, some conscious font choices, and a healthy dose of large images we fleshed out the site into its final state. Complete with two blogs, a project collection, and a creative home page, the finished site evokes a sense of pride, passion, and organic beauty.

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For a free, no-obligation quote, or to kick start your idea, drop us a line and we’ll form a plan.